Wedding photos that will last a lifetime

Imagine your wedding...

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Just imagine. Your wedding has taken place. Everything went as well as you could have wished.  Your dress fit perfectly. Your father walked you down the aisle. The vin d'honneur was held with the people you love on a beautiful estate.

It was the wedding you'd always dreamed of. But then...

Moments gone forever

Except that a few weeks later, when you receive your photos, you're disappointed. You're missing some of the strongest, most important, most personal moments of your wedding. Moments you'll never get to relive.

And you have the feeling that these photos will be quickly forgotten, drowned in a few days in the mass of social networks.

Or else...

You have wedding photos that look just like you

Imagine what your photos could have been. Seeing your father hug you after the ceremony. The tears of pride in your grandmother's eyes. The emotion in your husband's eyes as you walk down the aisle. And all this in a book you can treasure in your library.

Sounds more interesting, doesn't it?

Photographe Mariage Provence Marseille Aix Toulon 45

My sensitivity as a wedding photographer

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Like you, I prefer to see photos of powerful, real moments, rather than photos where everyone looks at the camera with a tense smile.
Like you, I ask myself what memories I'm going to leave my future children, and how I can make sure I pass on a family heritage.

This is the reflection that lies at the heart of my photographic approach, it's the meaning I give to my work.

For your wedding photos, don't fall into the algorithm trap!


Choosing a photographer just because he or she is fashionable or fits in with what the Instagram algorithm puts forward, means taking the risk of having photos that won't stand the test of time. Photos that you'll find disappointing in one, five or ten years' time. 

Instead, you should look for a photographer whose philosophy and way of doing things suits you. The photos he returns to you will be timeless, because they will be for you.

Photographe Mariage Provence Marseille Aix Toulon 1022

A wedding photographer to suit you

Let's go back to your dream wedding. Imagine if it had gone just as perfectly. Your best friends could have been your witnesses. Your guests gave you a standing ovation as you left the church. You could have opened the ball with a romantic first dance worthy of a fairy tale.

But with one difference: you asked me to take the photos.

Make your wedding day last forever

That dress you had so much trouble choosing, that bow tie that looks so good on your husband, that bouquet you were able to throw to your best friends, those wedding rings you put on each other's fingers to symbolize your commitment and your love... All these elements that mean so much to you, you'll find in my photos.

But also your mother's tears. The joy of your best friends. Your nieces' games. Your father-in-law giving your husband a big, open hug. Your cousin stumbling across the dance floor. The laughter of your brother-in-law... All these moments, unique to your wedding and yours alone, you'll find in my photos.

That's my commitment as your photographer, and that's the promise I make to you.

Wedding photos for life

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You'll treasure the photos you receive. You'll have them in high-definition digital format, of course, so you can share them with your friends on social networks and send them to your guests, but above all you'll have a printed wedding album.
A wedding album for your family history
This book is a companion for your couple and your family. During difficult times, it will remind you of the most beautiful moments you have experienced together. It will help you recapture the emotions of your wedding day. You'll show it to your children to share this day that was so important to you - and to them!
Wedding photos for years and decades to come

And when your children grow up, when they add to your family by introducing you to the person who means so much to them, this book will still be there. And you'll be able, once again, to show it to the person who joins your family, to share with them a little of your happiness.

For your wedding, there are no problems, only solutions


Let's take a moment to talk about your wedding day. It can be a stressful day for you, and you may have last-minute worries to deal with: I don't want to add to that. And for that, there's no secret: you need to have dealt with any problems beforehand. So we'll take time together to prepare everything, so that everything runs smoothly on D-day.

I also need to be flexible, constantly adapting to your wishes and the constraints of your wedding. In short, it's up to me to adapt and find solutions, not the other way around.

Is my approach, as a wedding photographer, right for you?

It's time to stop and think for a few minutes.

Ask yourself: is my approach right for you? If you're only interested in photos to post on social networks and forget about five minutes later, if you don't see the point of building a family archive, if you only want posed photos, then I'm probably not the photographer for you.

But if you see your wedding photos as an archive to be cherished and shared, if you think that photos should enable you to recapture the emotions of your wedding, if you want to have your heart beating and a tear in your eye when you look at your wedding album...

Then I'm probably the photographer for you.

Photographe Mariage Provence Marseille Aix Toulon 1014 red

Do you have any questions?


Of course, this is included in all my packages. The goal is to make this session as quick as possible : all the time you spend with me is time you won't spend enjoying your guests.


Yes, your guests want them, and that's normal. However, we'll prepare them in advance so that they take as little time as possible. Because I imagine you'd rather be enjoying the vin d'honneur than posing for it, wouldn't you ?


And even in Europe! I love Provence, but there are so many beautiful regions elsewhere...

Parlez-vous français ?

Bien sûr, c'est même ma langue maternelle ! In addition to French and English, I'm basic in Italian en Ukrainian.


I am contractually committed to a maximum turnaround time of six weeks. Of course, I try to go faster, but I never sacrifice the time needed to give your photos the work they deserve.


Don't worry: even in the rain, there's only so much you can do. If need be, transparent umbrellas will enable us to take beautiful couple photos.


Don't panic, I keep everything. Contact me, and we'll find a solution.

My work is still best described by my former brides and grooms


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Don't hesitate

So why wait?

For your wedding, don't hesitate: contact me and let's write the most beautiful chapter in the book of your life.