Gabriel Bendayan, your wedding photographer in Provence

Photographe Mariage Provence Marseille Aix Toulon GabrielBendayan4 red

My name is Gabriel and I'm a wedding photographer.

How can I introduce myself?

Well, I'm a compulsive bibliophile, who loves nothing more than to see his bedside table overflowing with books, and yes, of course, one day I'll have read them all, yes, I assure you. I'm also a cinephile who spends hours in cinemas, whether it's to discover a little-known arthouse film or to consume a big-budget blockbuster.

My background is rather eclectic, with a degree in theater, Sciences-po Toulouse, security manager for a social housing office, and a job in communications. I live in Auriol, in the heart of Provence. I've lived in Ireland, and was lucky enough to discover Ukraine, where I developed very strong ties.

And I became a photographer.

As a wedding photographer, I aim to immortalize your emotions and offer you unique, personal, intimate photos. Photos of you, and no one else. Photos that will still be powerful years later, and that you can share with your loved ones.

Photos you can use to introduce your family and your story to those you care about most.

"Always learning, always improving"

I tend to think that a photographer's eye is an extension of his soul. And my soul is nourished by travel, film and reading.

From a technical point of view, I learned everything on the job, in the streets of Marseille, or by doing reports from the four corners of Provence. I've also spent countless hours training to improve and become a better photographer.

But my approach to photography is not technical: it's deeply emotional.

“ An emotional approach
to photography” 

To understand what I mean, take a look at this photo.

I took it when I barely knew how to handle a camera and was out sightseeing. 

Technically, it's a dud. But it radiates joy, happiness and life. And it's unique. Unique to this couple we came across by chance in a park in Vienna.

Photographe Mariage Provence Marseille Aix Toulon Presentation red

That's what I want to offer you : a snapshot of your love. And to write with you a chapter in the book of your life.

“ Your wedding photographer between Marseille, Toulon and Aix-en-Provence”

I'm lucky enough to live in the most beautiful region in the world : Provence. What better setting to immortalize the most beautiful day of your life? What better setting to sublimate your love?

Whether you prefer the sea or the forests, typical villages or majestic churches, fields of lavender, olive trees or even... tulips, you're bound to find what you're looking for in Provence.
As long as you like the song of the cicadas, of course!

I aim to combine the beauty of Provence's landscapes with your emotions, your love, to make your wedding photos sublime.

So don't wait any longer: contact me, or discover what I can bring to your wedding.

Want to know more about me? Discover my influences...



Photographe Mariage Provence Marseille Aix Toulon GabrielBendayan2 red